The mixed age group setting of a home daycare gives children the opportunity to learn from older children or take on the role of “teacher” to younger children. It also means they are not transferred to new rooms with new teachers and children based just on their age. It gives children the ability to develop at their own pace while also being encouraged by older children.
(3 mos - 12 mos)
Infants will build gross motor skills and social skills in our small home setting. They get plenty of floor time, our playroom is safe for crawlers to explore. They will be encouraged to sit up, crawl and walk at their own pace. While young infants will sleep/eat on demand, they will slowly be molded to a schedule for their toddler years.
(12 mos - 2 yrs old)
Toddlers learn and explore through play! Gross and fine motor skills as well as social skills are developed through both structured and unstructured play time. Our fun activities are filled with music, art, dance and stories. Our monthly themes are incorporated at a
level appropriate for this age group – usually starting at about 18 months. While they may be playing a good portion of their day, don’t be fooled – they are absolutely LEARNING through play!
(3 - 4 yrs old)
Taking a fun approach to learning these young preschoolers will work on colors, shapes, letters and numbers through fun games and hands-on exploration. Both structured and unstructured play is a big part of the development of preschoolers. Social skills are reinforced by working with other children, while sharing, patience and manners are all emphasized. Our monthly themes will keep them engaged and learning as they get ready to head to either a preschool or kindergarten program.
A benefit of a home daycare is a flexible structured day. We do not have to stop an activity just because the clock tells us it’s time to move on to something else, so the times listed below are approximate.